Our Folksy Shop: TNG Yarns. Click to view

Sunday, 30 August 2009

We have 100 Customers!

and I just wanted to shout out a big thank you to everyone who has supported The Nappy Garden this past year!!

It makes it all worthwhile.



PS ( we have 173 orders! Order number 200 gets a free thank you gift!! :-)


  1. Nah.. thank you (both) for all the gorgeous woolly items and nappy stuff!

    You've made my bank manager very unhappy and me very happy.

    Keep it up!

  2. Yup, I have to agree. Your nappies and woolly stuff are just gorgeous. I can't help myself. :-)

  3. I'm another one with little control when it comes to your mum's woolies!! Thank you for making & selling such yummy stuff!! x

  4. Yup, have to second the rest of the comments, incredibly wonderful customer service, you really are the model by which I hold up other shops for good treatment Lisa.

    Fortunately pretty much all the WAHMs are brill, shame the same can't be said for the "High Street" and other big name retailers!
