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Sunday, 23 August 2009

Seven Seas

I did this wool with Morag in mind, with different shades of blues, from sky blue through to deep dark blue. What do you think? If it's not to your liking, I will plod on with some more, no worries!!


  1. The colours are lovely, but there's too much navy for me. I needs lots more mid and sky blue. :-)

  2. So your after sky blue with dashes of the darker colours?..... just so I can be sure before I start another dye batch. x

  3. theyre lovely colours Lisa :-) , would be nice for a night time soaker perhaps? xx


  4. Actually, the colours look much better in these photos! How about you make these into longies and do a lighter version of sky blue with dashes of the darker colours to make some shorties? Dark colours for the winter and light for the summer! Would that be okay?

  5. I've actually put the wool onto our new Folksy shop now for sale! But I am dyeig you up some paler blues ones with dashes of dark blue, if you would still like longies from that? As soon as I am done, I shall load on a piccy. :-)

  6. Oh no! I should have waited till this morning to post. I have raging toothache, am having a really bad reaction to the antibiotics I am on and painkillers are useless, so I wasn't really thinking last night. (And I'm sure the photos were different too!) I really want both. Is it too late?

  7. Yes, I updated the photos, I did pop a note on to say I would be updating them... but tbh, the wool is more dark than light, so assumed even with nw pics, you wouldn;t be keen. :-) I suppose you could buy them from Folksy and then I will pop on a custom slot for the remainder, for longies and shorties? Though will you still want shorties, we have a bit of a waiting list atm? I'm not sure exactly how long, will have to work it out and let you know... but if you do, please buy the wool, let me know and I'll pop you on a custom pick up point :-) I'm just about to add a link to our folksy shop on here.

  8. Oh and hun, I really hope you start to feel better soon.. that must be awful, feeling so poo and even anti b's not working :-(

  9. I've bought the wool for some longies as originally planned. I still want some shorties in a lighter version of the same colours when you have space on the waiting list for me - assuming I have understood you correctly, my head is a bit muddled at the moment. :-(

  10. That is no problem at all Morag. I shall go work out the cost of the remainder of the longies, plus some shorties too, and pop you on a custom pick up ok. I shall leave postage as normal, this will then cover the special delivery for you. I shall be in contact nearer the time, for measurements. x
