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Monday, 27 July 2009

Sneaky Piccies of what's to come!

We are totally LOVING these!!!!!!! What a fab job they have done! We cannot wait for these to arrive! Including a whole bunch of san pro (WN fairies!)


  1. and mine!! I want one of each they are so fabby and unusual!!!

  2. They're so fabby!!! I love them!! They'll sell out super fast!!

  3. They are very unisex rather than boy/girl focused this time :-) Next time back to boy girl! :-)

  4. Are the Oogas NN or NL? And more importantly, are they Lal sized? :D

  5. NL hun as we arn't able to stock NN :-(

    medium and Large!

  6. Yay! I wanted NL

    You know Im your most favouritist customer? How much bribery do you need to sell them all to me? And don't forget the T shirts and bedbugs..


  7. lol Katie Katie Katie!!! I reckon you'll have a shot!!! :-) hey, I popped a little surprise in with your parcel, as an apology for it taking SO long to get to you!

  8. I love them all but specially the little monster splash one
